Family owned
Local business
Carpet Cleaning
Adelaide southern suburbs
(conditions apply)
Mobile 0448 372245
* Carpet Cleaning
* Lounge Cleaning
* Rugs and Mats
* Dining/office chairs
* Stain treatment
About Us
Learn more about our business
I'm your local bloke, I live in Huntfield Heights, South Australia. I manage our family business Buddies Cleaning.
With over 25 years experience in the carpet cleaning industry, starting as a sales rep. for a cleaning supply company, I have the knowledge to help you with all your carpet cleaning needs, offering advice and using my skills toremove dirt and grim from your carpets and soft furnishings such as lounge suites, dining and office chairs.
I pride myself on the quality of my work and have the philosophy of " if it's worth doing, then it's worth doing right the first time".
your local bloke
Keith T. Jones
Contact Us

Your local bloke
business contact details
More about Us
Buddies Cleaning (& Maintenance Services) was first registered in Queensland 1993 with two partners, myself and my good friend Bob. We worked hard for many years through drought and hard times, never putting our customers second, always maintaining a high standard and earning our place in the local industry. We expanded into Pub cleaning, the Rental Market, private and business premises, hard floor maintenance, external house washing and carpet cleaning.
After spending many years together Bob and I parted our ways in 1999 as he had dreams of his own to pursue. I continued on running and maintaining the family business with the help of my wife Chris.
Our family moved to South Australia in January 2007 and we brought our business with us. We purchased a newer van, changed our logo and sign writing to the new look and here we are. Now with the new name change to Buddies Cleaning we are ready for your calls.
Our aims and ambitions are to continue doing what we love and that is to bring to our customers a quality carpet cleaning service.
Buddies Cleaning
PO Box 689
Noarlunga Centre SA 5168
mobile 0448372245